Some of Us Are Brave: A Black Feminist Organizing School for Organizers
Some Of Us Are Brave(SOUAB), the flagship organizing school of Black Feminist Future, teaches and trains Black organizers and activists in key concepts, terminology, ideologies, and skills in Black feminist theory and practice.
Some of Us Are Brave: A Black Feminist Organizing School for Organizers
Some of Us Are Brave Organizing School (SOUAB) is an organizing school designed to cultivate the leadership and organizing capabilities of Black feminists. The school’s objective is to harness the transformative power of Black feminist principles to address the systemic inequalities faced by Black women, girls, and gender-expansive people. SOUAB is a critical platform for participants to deepen their understanding of Black feminisms, develop strategic organizing skills, and forge solidarity among activists committed to social change.
The SOUAB organizing school was inspired by the legacy of Black feminist activism and intellectual thought. It particularly draws its name from the groundbreaking anthology “All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us Are Brave,” which highlighted Black women’s experiences at the intersection of race and gender oppression.
Black Feminist Future is thrilled to announce the third iteration of our flagship organizing school, which has trained over 60 organizers to date. Some of Us Are Brave Black Feminist Organizing School will be held from November 7 to 10, 2024, in Montgomery, AL. Applications will open on August 1st!
SOUAB is a community of powerful Black feminists committed to learning, growing, and leading the charge toward liberation. Whether you’re a seasoned activist or new to the movement, SOUAB offers invaluable tools and insights to empower your journey.
Dive deep into Black feminist praxis, sharpen your organizing skills, and connect with Black feminists who share a passion for change and a commitment to transformation and liberation.

Black feminisms
gets us free
Black Feminist Future (BFF) is a member-centered organization and our members help inform our work, campaigns, and initiatives. At BFF, we’re centering leadership development, community care, and joy in order to build the political and social power that we need to win concrete changes in our lives, community, and beyond.
CANON 2021